mounted$50579$ - traduction vers grec
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mounted$50579$ - traduction vers grec

Mounted Infantry; Mounted Riflemen; Mounted Rifles; Mounted rifles
  • A French [[dragoon]] (c. 1700).
  • Two Australian light horsemen in 1914

adj. έφιππος
cavalry officer         
  • [[19th Lancers]] near Mametz during the Battle of the Somme, 15 July 1916
  • Omdurman]]
  • Athenian]] [[amphora]] dated 550–540 BC
  • [[Assyrian cavalry]]
  • The charge of the Venezuelan First Division's cavalry at the [[Battle of Carabobo]]
  • Eylau]], painted by [[Jean-Antoine-Siméon Fort]]
  • Mongolian cavalry in the Khalkhin Gol (1939)
  • Horse-mounted [[Normans]] charging in the [[Bayeux Tapestry]], 11th century
  • A 13th-century depiction of a riding horse. Note resemblance to the modern [[Paso Fino]]
  • A German cavalry patrol in May 1940, during the [[Battle of France]]
  • German [[dragoons]], armed with lances, after the capture of Warsaw, August 1915
  • British infantry formed into anti-cavalry squares at the [[Battle of Quatre Bras]]
  • Coin of [[Chandragupta II]] or Vikramaditya, one of the most powerful emperors of the Gupta empire during times referred to as the Golden Age of India
  • Mongols at war 14th century
  • A bas-[[relief]] of a soldier and horse with saddle and [[stirrup]]s, from the tomb of Chinese [[Emperor Taizong of Tang]] (r 626–649), c 650
  • Moroccan]] with his [[Arabian horse]] along the [[Barbary coast]]
  • Kanem-Bu]] warriors armed with spears in the retinue of a mounted war chief. ''The Earth and Its Inhabitants'', 1892
  •  Dead German cavalry horses after the [[Battle of Halen]] - where the Belgian cavalry, fighting dismounted, decimated their still mounted German counterparts
  • Husarz]]'' (Polish Hussar) by [[Józef Brandt]]
  • A Hussite war wagon: it enabled peasants to defeat knights
  • camelry]]
  • Chinese caltrop jar
  • Italian Army regiment "Lancieri di Montebello" (8th) on public duties in Rome 2019
  • Italian cavalry officers practice their horsemanship in 1904 outside Rome
  • German cavalryman in September 1914, [[German South-West Africa]]
  • Austro-Hungarian]] cavalry, 1898
  • Manuscript illustration of the Battle of Kurukshetra
  • Cologne]], Germany. Second half of the first century AD
  • [[Lithuania]]n lancers training in the 1930s
  • Akbar leads the [[Mughal Army]] during a campaign
  • Parthian horseman, now on display at the [[Palazzo Madama, Turin]]
  • Polish [[uhlan]] with [[wz. 35 anti-tank rifle]]. Military instruction published in [[Warsaw]] in 1938
  • Rajput warrior on horseback
  • Knighted cavalry and noblemen, painting by [[Jan van Eyck]] (c. 1390–1441)
  • "The Thin Red Line"]] at the [[Battle of Balaclava]], where the 93rd Regiment held off Russian Cavalry
  • auxiliary]] cavalryman
  • In the [[Battle of Ichi-no-Tani]], Japanese cavalry moving down a mountain-side
  • A mounted [[samurai]] with bow and arrows, wearing a horned helmet. Circa 1878
  • Algerian spahis of the French Army 1886
  • A Polish winged hussar]]
  • A British cavalry trooper in marching order (1914–1918)
  • Giuseppe Castiglione]], dated 1739 or 1758
  • Turkish cavalry during mopping‐up operation 1922
  • mounted]] color guard from [[Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow]]
  • Northern Alliance]] of [[Afghanistan]], which frequently used horses as military transport
  • Culpepper]]
  • ''Monument to the Spanish Regiment of light cavalry of Alcántara''
  • Polish Army]]
Cavalry warfare; Cavalrymen; Cavalry regiments; Ippiko; Yellowleg; Horse cavalry; Calvalry; Cavalryman; Mounted cavalry; The Cavalry; Greek cavalry; Cavalry officer; Medium cavalry; Mounted troops; Ancient Greek cavalry; Medieval cavalry
αξιωματικός ιππικού
war horse         
War horse; Warhorse; War Horse; Horses in Warfare; Mounted combat; Horse-based warfare; Army horse; Military horse; War-horse; Cavalry horse; Charger (horse); War horses
n. άτι


·v The rise of a hawk after prey.


Mounted infantry

Mounted infantry were infantry who rode horses instead of marching. The original dragoons were essentially mounted infantry. According to the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, "Mounted rifles are half cavalry, mounted infantry merely specially mobile infantry." Today, with motor vehicles having replaced horses for military transport, the motorized infantry are in some respects successors to mounted infantry.